Sunday, July 11, 2010

Say Aaaahhhh....

I once wrote a poem about sleeping when I was in my early 20's. The poem sounded very sexual in nature but I knew what it was talking about. Sleep is one of the best things that God has given humankind. The ability to curl up on some cool sheets and then cover yourself with a heavy blanket is divine. Scientists don't know why people need to sleep but who cares. I feel so bad for people I meet who have insomnia. That must be a horrible feeling. Don't get me wrong, I have nights when I can't sleep well and troubles are on my mind. Those are the times when I know there are areas in my life that I need to improve upon. I use those wee hours in the night to really focus on what needs to be done to resolve issues.
I have always gone to bed early. Even in college when people were out partying it up, I was in my bed. Nothing can come close to having that refreshed feeling when I get up in the morning. I also have to get at least 7 to 7 1/2 hours of sleep each night. If I wake up before or after my allotted time, I am sluggish and cranky! It takes me longer to get going and I can't seem to get myself together. If I miss sleep at night, I make it up the next night by going to bed extra early. There is a price to pay for this as well. I get up very early in the morning. While others are still sleeping at 10am, I am well into my day. I sometimes wish I could sleep until 1pm like some people I know but I can't. So, I use my early mornings for meditation, prayer and/or reading. Its just great. Anyway, we can all use more sleep on some days. I encourage anyone reading this who can have the luxury of getting more sleep at night to do so! If you have small kids or other responsibilities, try to slip in a nap during the day if possible. If not, then just try to look forward to the days when you can sleep peacefully. It's coming again.

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