I recently went to my dermatologist after about six months of not going. When I got into the office I was greeted by her friendly staff, opened my book and sat down. After being soothed by the jazz music playing in her waiting area, my name was called. I was escorted to my room by her assistant, Deniece who is always kind and pleasant to me. When I got to the examination room, Deniece looked at me and says, "It is so nice to see you. Its been a long time but you still look good, no wrinkles or anything!" I paused and put down my zen-like book to reflect on her last sentence. Ummm...I'm in my early 30's, am I supposed to have wrinkles? And what exactly did she mean by I "still" look good?
I remember an episode on The Cosby Show (yes, I'm talking about it again) when Claire was turning 46 and people kept telling her she "still" looked good. She became irritated by this statement and now I understand why. I am far from 46 and I'm already getting these comments. I have always loved birthdays and I am enchanted with the idea of getting older but if I have to hear this type of nonsense I may become a bitter old lady. Imagine walking into a dentist office at my age and the hygienist going, "Wow...you still have your own teeth?" (Insert puzzled face here.)
Anyway, I graciously accepted her comment and moved on with my day but I just thought it was a funny thing for her to say. I just took it as though my dermatologist, who I call "The Wizard" is doing her job well. That's my positive spin on this story and I'm sticking to it. I will keep you posted on the impending deterioration of my face as time goes on. Stay tuned...
I remember an episode on The Cosby Show (yes, I'm talking about it again) when Claire was turning 46 and people kept telling her she "still" looked good. She became irritated by this statement and now I understand why. I am far from 46 and I'm already getting these comments. I have always loved birthdays and I am enchanted with the idea of getting older but if I have to hear this type of nonsense I may become a bitter old lady. Imagine walking into a dentist office at my age and the hygienist going, "Wow...you still have your own teeth?" (Insert puzzled face here.)
Anyway, I graciously accepted her comment and moved on with my day but I just thought it was a funny thing for her to say. I just took it as though my dermatologist, who I call "The Wizard" is doing her job well. That's my positive spin on this story and I'm sticking to it. I will keep you posted on the impending deterioration of my face as time goes on. Stay tuned...
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