Monday, September 21, 2009

Am I Bitter?

Yesterday I was at a friend's baby shower, sitting with some of her other close friends. We were discussing various topics including dating, television and our careers. Most of us had not seen each other since my friend's wedding in 2007 so we were happy to see each other again and catch up. At one point during our conversation, another person walked up to the table and began to provide information about what has been happening in her life over the past two years. She then began to ask everyone at the table for an update and they gladly provided it to her. When she got to me, I shared with her that I started a new job about six months ago and I told her some other events as well. She then states, "You got a new job! Why didn't you put that on facebook?" I immediately looked at her with a puzzled expression on my face and I explained that I don't share information of the nature on facebook.
I'm wondering when facebook became the substitute for face to face conversations. At some point I fear that people are going to begin placing their wedding invitations on facebook as a way to save money. Unfortunately, I do believe that many people use social networking sites as a way to share good news with close friends. I like facebook but I become highly annoyed with people who make a status update about every single move they make throughout the day. I don't need to know that you are brushing your teeth or that you are headed to the nail salon. Am I being bitter or just getting old? I would rather have my friends call me and we can talk about our daily lives like normal people. I'm sure most people won't agree with my views because facebook has become a convenient way of life. I still like to receive hand written notes in the mail and I get excited when I see a card addressed to me for a special occasion. It takes a lot of effort nowadays for someone to travel to the post office and mail a letter and I appreciate that effort. Anyway, before I go off on a rant I would just like to say that nothing can beat talking on the phone or having a good lunch with a great friend. You can't get that kind of intimacy on facebook. You just can't.


  1. Oh Hal, I totally agree with you on this one! you just typed what I was thinking and what we shared some time ago. Facebook, as well as Twitter, MySpace and any/all other networking systems have been created I believe, for good purpose, however, we now have created a monster! People, as they do other things, begin abusing systems and we have a mess on our hands as such. Sorry to step on toes, but why should you have to keep up with me and my life status just from clicking a button on public profile? Why shouldn't you have to call or come and see me to see how I am doing? Guess I'm just old fashioned, but I too like letter's in the mail just saying, "hello"! There is no way that I should know everything that you have done in the last two weeks just from reading your public know me, you must reach out to me to see how I have been doing!!! So informal....!
