I began to think about how much vibrational energy is in each one of us as human beings. In that moment I began to feel a sense of compassion for many things, specifically myself. I started to evaluate whether or not recent decisions I made were healthy and beneficial for me. I also began to reflect on some of the statements that the instructor made during the first part of the class. He stated that the food we eat and the air we breath affects our energy. I immediately thought about the sandwich I had from Arby's earlier this week and how much bad energy it probably contained. He also stated that during these exercises, the body will have several responses to letting go and you can easily tell when an area is congested and needs to be released from stress. I found that to be an amazing concept because during most of these exercises, my neck and my shoulders were throbbing.
I couldn't afford to allow myself to daydream much longer but I did make a conscious decision to remember to research Qigong more and see how it could possibly help me further develop my spirituality. I also pledged to be more vigilant about what I eat and to take the time to make healthier food choices. At times, the temptation to eat junk food is so strong that I feel like my will power is being tested. I also wondered how many people in the room were thinking the same thing I was at the moment. How many of the twenty three learners were focused in on this experience and using it for their well being as opposed to just getting continuing education credits? Difficult to tell. So I shook off my string of thoughts and refocused my energy and completed the exercise feeling refreshed and clear headed. Just when it was time to sit back down and learn some more, I hear the familiar rustle of a plastic bag. I look to my right and the old lady next to me who now has white specks of food on her mouth asks, "you want a chip?"
Alas, my answer: twenty two of us.
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