As mentioned yesterday in my post I have been getting the answers to a lot of the questions I have been asking for a while. One of my main concerns has been in the area of my career. When I was in my early to mid 20s I was very satisfied with my career path. I was helping people, which I know is one of my strengths and I was getting great employment opportunities. I met people from all walks of life when I attended graduate school and formed bonds and friendships that I know will last me for a lifetime. Over the past three years, I have had a very unsettling feeling about my career and what I was doing. I began to lose the passion for my field and I felt as though I was reaching the proverbial glass ceiling that people discuss. Every job I had seemed dead end and none of my coworkers were really invested in their jobs. I tried every which way I could to reinvent and reclaim the feeling I first had when I began doing social work but for some reason, I just couldn't.
I had a challenging experience occur in April which made me very frustrated and disappointed with my career. It forced me to take a look at what I was doing and why I wasn't as happy as I normally was in my work and life in general. I finally came to the conclusion that I need to make a total career change. When I came to this realization, I was sad and upset. I have invested many years in learning how to effectively help disadvantaged people and assist people in living better lives and now I have to give it up. I know most people will look at this and think that I am making the choice to give it up but I'm not. I feel absolutely compelled to get out of my current field and move on to something else and focus on my wants and desires. I have been searching for satisfaction and happiness and I have known for the past two years that I have not been happy doing what I was trained to do. I am currently in the process of making the transition but I will tell you that I am bored at my current job. I am helping people but the job itself is boring and borderline torturous. I feel no sense of accomplishment and my coworkers do not make life any better for me. That's why I've decided to go into the field of creative arts. Even writing that sentence makes me feel better. I know that I will be doing something that I love and that it sure to bring me some form of happiness.
The only conflict I have with this decision is the fact that I am a damn good social worker and I see the world differently from others. The only positive aspect I get from this career change is that at some point my two worlds will collide and I will be able to combine my art with social justice issues. I always felt that my degree in social work wasn't so much as a career but an obligation/calling from God. I have to do it because on a certain spiritual level it makes me feel good. So, all I can say is that I hope my new direction in creative arts helps people and myself to view the world differently. I am extremely excited about starting this new chapter in my life and I know that it will be fabulous. I know I will meet many beautiful people on my journey who will assist me in helping me to getting where I want and belong in my life. I know I will help them too!
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