Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Metaphor for Life

I've been doing Bikram Yoga for about 5 years now. Bikram Yoga is a form of hatha yoga which is practiced in a heated room with a temperature somewhere between 105-111 degrees. There are 26 asanas (postures) and the class lasts for an hour an a half. I fell in love with doing yoga from the moment I started. Today I followed my Sunday ritual and went to the 10am class. When I got to the class, I was truly grateful for being there. I said my silent prayer of gratitude and asked God to guide me and help me in whatever struggles I may encounter in the class and in life as a whole.
The class today seemed hotter than usual to me. I struggled through the last 1/2 hour of the class and tried to push myself as much as I could. At some points during the class I became antsy and I felt like screaming because I was panicking inside. It was a very weird feeling for me. So I tried to gather my thoughts and had to talk myself into becoming calm again. One of my favorite poses is the ustrasana/camel pose. This pose can be very difficult for people and has been known to provide an emotional release for individuals during the class. Many people cry and often have inexplicable feelings during this pose. I have to be honest and say that before I did this pose, I hesitated a little. I didn't know if I could handle it. So I said I would try the first set and I did. I went into my pose and when I expected that I was going to break my posture, I kept pushing back until I got it. That one time took so much out of me that I could not do the second set but oddly enough I was pleased with myself for managing to do the first one. After this effort, the class was almost over and I made it through.
In the locker area, some participants will sit by the water cooler to compose themselves. I took my usual seat on the wooden floor and tried again to gather myself. One by one people came into the room and began to talk. They were all saying that they felt as though the class was more difficult this time. One lady who was sitting next to me stated that she felt herself becoming anxious inside during the last part of the class. Thank God! Just when I began to feel as if I was going crazy, someone confirmed that I wasn't. It seemed that all of us were feeling the same emotions inside but we kept pushing just to get through. That's when I truly realized that yoga is a metaphor for life.
In life, we all get to points where we are exhausted and even driven to the point of tears. We all have to make the decision to either push through it or give up. As with some of the poses, that's what has to happen in yoga. Some poses in yoga I love to do and some I absolutely despise. The same with life. There are some experiences that I love and some that I don't like at all. In both areas of my life, I choose to fight through them despite what the outcome may be. There are times when I think I am going to pass out in yoga class (literally) but I don't. There are times in life when I feel that I am going to pass out from exhaustion, but I don't. The good thing is that I keep going back to yoga class because of the way I feel after the experience not during it. Unfortunately, when this life is over, I can't choose to come back to this experience because I liked it so much. So i have no choice but to enjoy it now, which I do. The thing is that I have to remember to keep pushing through the hard times and when they are over, I will feel better and renewed. What I also realized is that during class there are some people who have great strength and flexibility in their poses and there are others who have to still try very hard to manipulate their bodies to get into certain postures. In the end when we were talking we all experienced the same feelings but we didn't even know it. We are all different in some ways but we are more alike in others. The commonality is that we all kept pushing.
I am somewhere in the middle with my yoga practice. In some areas I am strong and in some areas I am weak. All I know is that I will keep trying my postures until I get them the right way and how I want them. This same philosophy applies to my life as well.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Do Unto Others

I was speaking with a good friend of mine today and we had a lengthy discussion about various topics. I like speaking with this friend because I always walk away feeling more purposeful and strengthened after our conversations. At one particular moment during our talk the proverbial light bulb went off in my head which provided me with a lot of clarity pertaining to one of my patterns of behavior.
Someone I know is struggling with a life issue. This struggle has been going on for many years and the person seems like they are in a lot of despair about it. In my relationships with many people, I try to serve as a support system. I listen to their issues and try to problem solve with them and help them see how they can possibly make situations better. With this particular person I have tried to offer encouragement, resources and have even offered my own time to try and assist in any way I can. Every time I offer something, this person responds with an endless string of negative and sarcastic remarks. Deep inside I know that these responses are a part of this person's defense mechanisms but I'm a little annoyed.
This person asks me for help and then doesn't want to accept any guidance. My question is: why complain? I think the remarks that I receive in return for my suggestions are quite insulting but as I mentioned earlier during my conversation today the solution hit me: I need to stop offering guidance and advice to this individual. Its obvious that the person wants to complain but does not really want to accept help at this time and to be honest, I don't need this shit right now. I have my own life to live and I have my own goals I'm going to reach. The energy that I am pouring into this person is not doing me any good. After a year of encouragement, if this individual can't change their negative thinking, there is nothing more I can do to help. I have mentioned in posts before that I am tired. I am also tired of people wasting my time.
So with that being said, I have decided to take that 10% of energy that I was focusing on that person and redirect it to myself. I try to follow the golden rule and I try to provide stability and support for those who I think need it. Unfortunately, if someone insists on being negative I have to back away because eventually their negativity will rub off on me and like I said before I don't need this shit right now.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


As mentioned yesterday in my post I have been getting the answers to a lot of the questions I have been asking for a while. One of my main concerns has been in the area of my career. When I was in my early to mid 20s I was very satisfied with my career path. I was helping people, which I know is one of my strengths and I was getting great employment opportunities. I met people from all walks of life when I attended graduate school and formed bonds and friendships that I know will last me for a lifetime. Over the past three years, I have had a very unsettling feeling about my career and what I was doing. I began to lose the passion for my field and I felt as though I was reaching the proverbial glass ceiling that people discuss. Every job I had seemed dead end and none of my coworkers were really invested in their jobs. I tried every which way I could to reinvent and reclaim the feeling I first had when I began doing social work but for some reason, I just couldn't.
I had a challenging experience occur in April which made me very frustrated and disappointed with my career. It forced me to take a look at what I was doing and why I wasn't as happy as I normally was in my work and life in general. I finally came to the conclusion that I need to make a total career change. When I came to this realization, I was sad and upset. I have invested many years in learning how to effectively help disadvantaged people and assist people in living better lives and now I have to give it up. I know most people will look at this and think that I am making the choice to give it up but I'm not. I feel absolutely compelled to get out of my current field and move on to something else and focus on my wants and desires. I have been searching for satisfaction and happiness and I have known for the past two years that I have not been happy doing what I was trained to do. I am currently in the process of making the transition but I will tell you that I am bored at my current job. I am helping people but the job itself is boring and borderline torturous. I feel no sense of accomplishment and my coworkers do not make life any better for me. That's why I've decided to go into the field of creative arts. Even writing that sentence makes me feel better. I know that I will be doing something that I love and that it sure to bring me some form of happiness.
The only conflict I have with this decision is the fact that I am a damn good social worker and I see the world differently from others. The only positive aspect I get from this career change is that at some point my two worlds will collide and I will be able to combine my art with social justice issues. I always felt that my degree in social work wasn't so much as a career but an obligation/calling from God. I have to do it because on a certain spiritual level it makes me feel good. So, all I can say is that I hope my new direction in creative arts helps people and myself to view the world differently. I am extremely excited about starting this new chapter in my life and I know that it will be fabulous. I know I will meet many beautiful people on my journey who will assist me in helping me to getting where I want and belong in my life. I know I will help them too!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


It's been a long time since I've blogged and unfortunately I do not have a lot to offer right now. A good friend of mine yesterday asked me if I was still blogging and I had to admit to her that I wasn't. So, I decided that I should keep writing. A lot has transpired in my life over the past 3 months but not all can be shared on a blog. I will only say that I have had a lot of ups and downs but I will share with you what has been pressing on my heart for a while.
In April I got tired. Just plain old tired. I was tired of my job, tired of feeling confused and tired of praying. Yup. I said it. I got tired of praying. Ever since I was about 9 years old, I always knew that I had a very deep connection with God and all things spiritual. I have relied on my faith and intuition for everything and I never took a fall because of my trust in God. I will say that over the past two years I have been tested in all areas of my life including my faith. This was the first time that I felt as if no one really heard me and I was drowning. I cannot explain what I felt but my closest description would have to be despair. I prayed for balance in many aspects of my existence but I wasn't seeing it. In the past when I asked for something from God, it seems as though it was delivered the next day.
Every morning for the past maybe 10 years I have meditated and prayed when I get out of my bed. Just to say thank you to God and place a blessing over my day and my life as a whole. In April, I decided to stop. I concluded that praying and asking wasn't helping me anyway, so why waste the energy. I discussed this with many friends and I got words of encouragement but nothing anyone said could change my mind. The days in April went on and nothing changed. My days seemed the same and I just went on without praying. I occasionally would say my regular, "Thank you, God" when something occurred that was a blessing in my eyes but other than that, I shut the whole spirituality thing down.
Then one morning I got up and looked out of my bedroom door and saw my living room. On my living room table is a picture of my Dad holding my youngest niece. When I saw this picture and looked at the rest of my surroundings, a feeling of gratitude swept across me and made me think about a lot. I thought, "Wow, look at this. My life is pretty sweet." I have a lot of friends and family who love me, I have a place to live with beautiful surroundings and I have my health. I began to look at everything this way. When I was driving to work that day , I realized that I have been in terrible work situations before but I got out of them and moved onto better things. I decided that I may not be able to change my work situation immediately but I do have the ability to change my outlook on it. I don't have to be sucked into my coworkers negativity because that place is only but a fraction of my life and this experience will pass. It seemed as though my whole disposition had changed in the blink of an eye and I was grateful. I was GRATEFUL.
What I came to realize is that during that moment of "I don't care what happens" I was surrendering. When my back was up against the wall, I decided to buckle down and pray harder. What I didn't do was let go and allow God to work it out for me. I was trying to supervise and tell Him what He was doing right and mostly what He was doing wrong. I was trying to control everything instead of just relaxing and trusting. That's what despair will do to you, I guess. I have never been the kind of person who is fearful of anyone or anything but I did fear that He wasn't hearing me and I became annoyed. So when I decided that I would hurt God by not acknowledging Him anymore, I ended up learning an even bigger lesson about life. I needed to sit back and let Him take control. All I have to do is ask for what I want and He works on delivering it to me. All I have is one job and He does the rest. Is life really that simple? I'm starting to think it is because ever since that day, I have been getting the answers to a lot of the questions that I have been asking for over two years. I have been gaining clarity on a lot of things whereas I couldn't see clearly before.
I hope that this post makes sense to someone because I am trying to convey a message that seems difficult to explain as I am writing. All I know is that I am back to praying, meditating and reading about spirituality and I see things looking up. God is good and He wants me to have the desires of my heart. He wants that for all of us. He wants us to have abundance. We just have to remain faithful and most of all thankful through the good times and the bad.