Monday, August 17, 2009


I always thought that as we get older we become wiser, bolder and more liberated in every sense of the word. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm wrong. For the most part, I have enjoyed growing up and stepping into new experiences. I have shed some old perspectives on life and gained some new ones. I have been going through a lot of growing pains lately and wondering where my life is going to end up. What's in store for me as the years go by? Of course I don't have the answer to this question so I look at older women's lives to try and gage how they feel and what life experiences they've had. I don't look at celebrities but rather at real women that I know. So far my most interesting observation surrounds the topic of sex. Allow me to share with you what I have learned so far.
At my job, there tends to be good banter in the morning between those of us who sit in the back of the office. Our ages range from the early 30s to the mid 50s. We discuss politics, current events and recently the topic of sex has been coming into the conversation a lot more often. One of my coworkers is a woman in her mid 50s and she is interested in dating again. She often discusses dates she's been on and the types of men she meets in the park. When asked more probing questions about her relationships, she completely shuts down. It's as if the topic of sex is taboo and not allowed in her brain. At one point she began to wave her hands in the air like she was calling on some deity for assistance with the topic. When confronted about her odd behavior she began talking as if sex was some far away star in the galaxy. It was all too weird for me and baffling.
I thought as we got older we were supposed to let go of some of our inhibitions and be free. If you want a man, you're supposed to just go and get him! (insert tiger growl here) Am I wrong? Maybe. I thought that sex and intimacy over 50 was fabulous. That's what Oprah said and I believed her. I have not learned a lot so far about this concept. I wonder if my coworker represents the majority of women out here in their 50s and how they feel about intimacy. I have some more observing to do but so far I'm not impressed. I'll keep you posted. Until next time...

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